Terms & Conditions

Her Escape [ABN 74 520 350 669] is a travel and holiday service based on the terms and conditions set out below. 

We provide a travel booking and advisory service which will allow you and your co-travellers to purchase travel packages and products from third party suppliers.

We act as agents for the third party suppliers of travel products, whose terms and conditions of supply (including cancellation and amendments policies) will apply to your travel request in addition to these terms and conditions.


By making a booking enquiry or request for an Escape with us, either online or by email or phone, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.

Once you have made a booking enquiry or request with us, we will send to your nominated email address a booking request acknowledgement with details of your booking request. 

At the time of making a booking enquiry or request, you must accept that any co-travellers for your Escape will be subject to these terms and conditions. Please note that in making the booking you are agreeing to act as their agent and be liable for the booking. We refer to you as the Group Leader,

We will check the availability of travel products for your Escape before confirming your booking request but we do not guarantee that your booking request will be available. Your booking request is subject to availability at the time that we confirm your booking with the relevant third party supplier and travel products.

We will send you a confirmation of your booking request within a reasonable time of sending a Booking Request Acknowledgment.


Our Booking Request Confirmation will specify the deposit we require in order to confirm your booking with the relevant third party suppliers of travel products, and includes a non-refundable booking fee component. Note that any booking will attract cancellation fees. 


Our standard cancellation policy is as follows:

  • A booking cancelled more than 6 weeks prior to departure - Your non-refundable deposit is payable on cancellation;

  • A booking cancelled less than 6 weeks but more than 4 weeks prior to departure – 50% of the total cost of the travel products or package is payable on cancellation; and

  • A booking cancelled less than 2 weeks before departure – 100% of the total cost of the travel products or package is payable on cancellation.

Where the third party supplier’s cancellation policy differs from our cancellation policy, we may choose, at our discretion, to charge you according to the third party supplier’s policy, instead of ours, subject to giving you notice in the Booking Confirmation.

No cancellation fee is payable for a cancellation made after a Booking Request Acknowledgement is issued but before a Booking Confirmation is issued.


If you request an amendment to a booking request, after we have issued a Booking Confirmation, then we will use all reasonable endeavours to alter your booking as requested but do not warrant that we can do so. 

Bookings are non-transferrable.


Upon receiving your Booking Confirmation we will provide the group leader with a payment schedule that will detail the amounts and required timings for your payment or payments for your booking. Your failure to pay strictly in accordance with those timings may result in a cancellation of your booking.

Payment options are as follows:

Direct Debit or by internet bank transfer.


We will endeavour to provide you with your escape itinerary, tickets, supplier confirmations and other travel documentation at least 72 hours before departure.


We will use all due care and skill in providing to you a booking and advisory service for your travel needs. However, subject to the Limitation of Liability clause below, we will not be responsible for or liable to you or your co-travellers for any of the following during or as a result of your Getaway:

  • Any injury or illness;

  • Any loss or damage to property;

  • Any cancellation or alteration to your booking made by a third party supplier;

  • Your displeasure with any aspect of your Getaway;

  • The omission of any aspect of your Getaway by a third party supplier;

  • Any component of your Getaway which you book or which is booked for you by someone else;

  • Your failure to obtain country visas or vaccinations, whether recommended by us or not;

  • Your passport having expired or having an insufficient remaining validity period;

  • The suitability of your flight bookings; and

  • Any changes to your itinerary during the Getaway which is outside of our control (including weather-related cancellations or postponements).

You indemnify us against any liability that we may have to third party suppliers as a result of any failure on your part to make a payment or for any damage or injury that you may cause during the course of your attendance at the premises or venue of the third party supplier. 


You warrant that you do not have any pre-existing medical conditions or disabilities (Medical Issues) that will affect your ability to participate in the Getaway. If you have any Medical Issues, you should consult with a health professional as to whether the Getaway is appropriate for you prior to your booking. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you are medically capable of attending the Getaway. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for and are not able to take any action for you if medical services are required while you are on your Getaway, including the attendance of any doctor, paramedics or ambulances, and that it is your responsibility to ensure your own health and safety.

Notwithstanding anything else in these Terms, we are not liable for any injury, death, damage or loss caused or due to any Medical Issues that occur during your Getaway.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for any loss, damage, expense or liability suffered by you or any other third party and caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of your Getaway booked through us.

Subject to the below, any condition or warranty which would otherwise be implied in these Terms are excluded. Our liability for breach of a guarantee conferred by the Australian Consumer Law is limited, in the case of services, to any one of the following as determined by us:

  • the supplying of the services again; or

  • the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

If there is a problem our services caused by a breach of these Terms by us (Omission), and you have notified us within 24 hours, then to the maximum extent permitted by law our liability arising from, or in connection with, the Omission will be limited to the face value of the booking purchased by you.


To avoid you incurring a loss as a result of your travel, we also strongly recommend travel insurance for domestic travel. 


We may alter these terms and conditions at any time, subject to posting the revised terms and conditions on our website and/or notifying you by email or otherwise at least 72 hours before the alteration is made.